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Friday full of surprises

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Friday nights silent film was accompanied by Avanti! orchestra. Picture: Santeri Happonen.

The sunny festival Friday was launched with two morning discussions. The audience enjoyed listening about the making of Miguel Gomes’ Arabian Nights and Whit Stillman’s career path, among other things.

Friday’s first surprise was the screening of Whit Stillman’s TV pilot The Cosmopolitans, which even the director himself had not seen on a silver screen until now.

Another TV production screened on a silver screen was Aki Kaurismäki’s Dirty Hands (1989), based on a play by Jean-Paul Sartre. The capacity of the renovated Big Tent was tested by Friday night’s silent film screening. The line to the screening weaved its way all over the festival area, ending outside the gates.

Friday night’s surprise preview screening was surprising indeed: the audience had a chance to see Aleksi Salmenperä’s brand new comedy Häiriötekijä, which has its Finnish premiere this autumn. Actors Tommi Korpela and Eero Ritala were present at the screening.

Morning arrived to the festival in the company of dance and song. Despite delays and technical problems, the atmosphere was sky-high at the Big Tent’s karaoke screening.


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